Introducing a New Media Vehicle, The Portable Rail Billboard©
Portable Rail Billboards© (PRBs)
Creating a Paradigm Shift in Outdoor Advertising
A unique revenue opportunity exclusively available by licensing Freight Train Media patents.
Imagine the most beautiful digital billboard you have ever seen. Now picture it on railroad tracks, able to turn, raise, lower, and move to wherever you want it to go for optimal viewership. That is what licensing our patents will allow you to do, creating a paradigm shift in outdoor advertising.
Freight Train Media patents offer two options:
PRB #1 is a modified freight container that uses LED lighting to project the advertising message. It not only produces advertising revenue, but also can provide freight revenue as it carries goods across rails.
PRB #2 is a billboard on a flat car that answers all the challenges of standard billboards through its capacity to reach optimal viewership.
Both accept digital applications.

Outdoor Advertising is strong. Traditional locations are scarce. A whole new world of profitable outdoor advertising sites can be accessed only by licensing our patented PRBs on railroad tracks.
America’s railroads run parallel to America’s highways. Freight Train Media’s patented billboards allow you to command the attention of passersby.
Freight Train Media licenses its Portable Rail billboard patents for an upfront licensing fee and a percentage of gross monthly advertising revenue.